Do you heard before about add posting work? How many earn to possible do this job? If no please read this article carefully. I think this post help you made to be an expert add poster worker. If yes do you know how to work add posting job. So read carefully this post how to work as an expert add poster.
The work is Easy and simple. All you need to do is just copy-paste the text ADS (provided by job provider) into various free classifieds sites. Like: craiglist.org, backpage.com, kijji.ca etc. search in Google with classifieds sites. But Craig list work is best of them. We do 95% of work from Craig list job. The more you post, the more payment you receive. You can work part time during day or night from your home at your desire time. Basic Knowledge on Computers and Internet is required.
Suppose that you get add posting work on Craig list with - for sale –furniture-by dealer section. Just go to craglist.org. Then open account for add posting. There have more section like- service, for sale, résumé, personals, job etc. So you need to select your for sale -furniture-section then click .then click post from top right corner. then click furniture-by dealer click continue. After that you see add posting area. Posting title, price, location and Description .Past all.(Your buyer provides you all title, price, location & description. you can add image if buyer provide it.) Put your email address. They will send you verification link your email. After click verifies link from email put your mobile number.You will get mobile text message or voice mail for captcha code. Put this code properly. That’s enough. They will send you email for successfully add publishing.
After logout goto for sale –furniture-by dealer section. Write title you add in the search box. Then search. If add showing by search (which you post ) that means it is live post. If you cannot find your add with search you add is ghosted or flagged. You can’t payment for ghosted or flagged add. Buyer payment only per live add posting.
How much can I earn in this job.
Buyer pay you per add posting respectively $1, 0.50, 0.30 & 0.10.
Where will I get the Classified Websites?
The classified websites list has to be searched yourself in google.com.
What does ghosting on craigslist means?
If any ad is marked by craigslist's spam filter then it is simply dropped from the listing page of craigslist. But the ad poster is not informed. When the ad poster check with the confirmation URL he will think that the ad is live but it is not actually available on the craiglist site. This is popularly known as "ghosting".
Why an ad is ghosted on craiglist?
An ad may be ghosted for many many reasons. Following are few of them:
- Your doamin name is blacklisted by craiglist
- Your phone number is blacklisted by craiglist
- Your email address is blacklisted by craiglist
- Your IP address is blacklisted by craiglist
- Your are posting prohibited items
- You are over posting i.e exceeding daily posting limit
- Your ads are being flagged by the visitors a lot.
- Your titles or descriptions contain blacklisted keyword phrases.
- You are posting under wrong category
How to avoid ghosting while posting on craigs list?
To avoid ghosting on craigslist post the same ad on evey 48 hours interval. Some people thinks writing to craigslist support team will resolve the ghosting problem. But remember craiglist has only about two dozens of employee. They don't have time to read your email.
So how I can work properly?
If you want to work as expert add poster kindly following my tips.
Don't post more often than once a week. (how many times do you see people break this rule and get away with it?)
If you are going to post more often than once a week, or post in multiple locations, be sure to use a proxy or change your IP address. (my suggestion only)
Don't use the same wording in your ads. Get a thesaurus and learn how to say the same thing in a million ways. If they catch the same phrases being used too many times, you are considered a spammer. (Again, this happens all the time with no action taken, but you don't want to be the one they chose to make an example of)
Don't use HTML codes in your posts. If you link to outside websites that is going to attract their attention and make your a target for ghosting.
If you are going to post images in your posts limit it to only a few pictures and don't use certain file hosting sites.
Be prepared to have to create multiple accounts and have multiple emails and so forth. Multiple emails, phone numers, accounts, etc can be your best friend.
How many resources I need to be expert add poster?
1. Ip hides software.
2. Multiple Email account (more then 20)
3. You can buy more geo forward phone number.