Monday, 30 May 2011

About Hacker & Cracker !!!!

Who is a Hacker ?

A hacker is a person who commits the fraudulent act or the penal offense of exploring into the other computer in order to know the details of the programmable system and how they work .

Who is a Cracker?

A cracker is a technical person who has mastered the art of breaking systems, often not for the security of the system but also in knowing about the system`s details,by which he gains much mote than by simply cracking system.
A cracker who is often termed to be a cyber burglar bring our significant harm to the network or steels the information like password,credit card number & steels any online software.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

How to recover your windows password ? (Little Tips)

This Tutorial help you more if you are new windows user !!!

Method one : Login with the default administrator account

Step 1: Start windows PC

Step 2: When you can see the windows login screen ,press ctrl+alt+ del keys Twice and it will show classic login box.

Step 3: Type administrator as username and leave password field blank.

Step 4: Press the Enter key and then you can be able to login default windows administrator account which is it created by default when install windows.

(If you change the name or password before, you cannot login by this way.)

Method two : Try command prompt about password reset trick

1.Log in with any valid account

2.Bring up the command prompt.( start-run-write cmd press Enter)
Type net user

You get a list of accounts

Type net user administrator (any account on that list)**
3.It prompts for a password .Enter one, then enter it again when prompted to confirm

Now, try to log on as Administrator your new password*

Method three : Use a windows password recovery cd

1.visit the windows password recovery tools official site :
2.Download the tool and run it

3.Burn the password reset cd to a blank CD/DVD or USB flash drive.

4.Turn to the computer which you lost password, reboot it, insert the nearly created recovery disk.

5.Click Del key to load bios setting ,set the system load from cd/dvd or usb, save the change
6.Reboot the computer load the password recovery software.

7.Select the windows or installation folder, select the user account, reset the password.

8. Finish. You can login windows with a blank password now !!!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Flash Tutorial Syllabus :

 If you follow my flash video tutorial step by step you will we be flash expert easily. After that you can make 2d animation, animated website design & presentation etc...

Our Syllabus :

1. Basic Animation

2.Motion Guide Animation

3.Shape Animation

4.Gradient Animation

5. Cartoon Animation

6. Masking Animation

7.Sound & Animated Button 

8. Photo Slideshow

9.simple Website Create.

10.& More..

Touch Here!!!!!!


Flash Basic Tutorial For Beginner -1

Flash Basic Tutorial For Beginner -2

Flash Motion Guide Animation -3

Do wait for other tutorial........

Saturday, 21 May 2011

How to data Data Entry ( Captcha Work) in online?

Every creative person ( computer related) want to work outsourcing /freelancing area.But they could not  a real guideline how to start. If you have a good knowledge about graphics,webdesign & others area you can 1st time data entry work to manage your buyer.

So after that your future is success.So i am trying to help every only.

If you want a good career in outsourcing area 1st time you can start data entry work.Outsourcing have many data entry project.i show you here captcha data entry work.

Captcha is most popular & easy data entry work. Every person can this work easily.

How to work ?

You get a website link , user id & password.when  you enter that weblink & login with user id & password you see text image &  a text input box below . your work is correctly type text input box what image you see up. Just this is captha data entry work.
 your need daily 1000/1k captcha entry ( 1k means 1000 for every work)

How Work Price?

Buyer give you payment per 1000 correct captcha  entry only. If you enter wrong captcha it`s not count but  payment not deduct .
Buyer rate is per 1000 captcha $.75, $85, $1, $2, $3 etc.
If you work regularly  your payment rate will be increasing. So you will can earn daily $1-$5 1st time.

How long time work?

You can work daily 3-8 hours.Don`t worries !!! you can work your ofttimes.basically captcha work time start at night ( 6.00pm to 6.00 am) Bangladesh & Indian time. you can work 6.00pm- 8.00pm then 10.00pm-12.00am Similarly 6.00am-8.00am then 10.00pm-2.00am. 

Can i work my desire period?

Yes! you can. work any time but when server have to slow.... 
 Recommended time you can 500 data entry per hour on the other hand you will can 50 data entry per hour.
So i think you are understand.

Generally every captcah data entry server have too slow. So people cannot agree to work this site.

Today i introduce you a very fast data entry server. I enter daily 2500 captch used this server.
When buyer give you message "do you want really data entry work" then you ask him that if your server is fast like that then i can do your work honestly & confidently.( Remember that thsi message is very important for you note it)

This server link is below :

I create a video tutorial for to work this server.............. if you face any problem  you can comment me or email my gmail id:


Saturday, 14 May 2011

How to make - Fabric Texure

I create a new photo shop tutorial for all. This is a fabric texture.You can use this design  for banner background, web page background & business card background etc. Don`t forget comment me.Let`s go .....

Our Design Sample :

Follow the tutorial step by step. If any problem then comment me............

You can more design to change background color.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Domain Name Registration & Hosting

If you want to make a web site you need good knowledge about 3 topics:

1) Domain Name Registration
2) Hosting &
3)Webpage Design

Domain name registration means  select a Specify name for your website. 
like :, etc..
It`s a very important part of making a website.So select a specify name for your site.You can select any name & extension for your desire. like this :.......................

If your domain name is available you can see that image like below :

else you can see following image :

Monday, 9 May 2011



















Microworkers tutorial for beginners

Hi every body,
I create a step by step micro workers tutorial for every new interested person. So let`s go how we can  online earning easily!!!!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Do you want create a website like this?

Do you want learn how to create a professional website design? You need visit this link 1st time.You see there some website which create by dreamweaver. My  students build it. So if you want create a website like that you should learn dreamweaver technic.follow this link

Don`r worry!!! I will learn you (with video tutorial) how to create a website use dreamweaver.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

How can i cheak my blog/web page rank?

If you have a blog or website need to increase visitor.Google give you page rank.against your visitors.When your page rank will be Pr1-Pr-10 you can more earning from microworkers & google adsense.So how can determined that you blog or website.I  given a cheek tools link where you cheek your blog or website page rank.
click this link to cheek your page rank

See that image for rank cheeking.......................

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

How i can more earning to microworker?

If you want to earning really to microworkers you need follow my guidelines seriously.................

 I think microworkers is best easy online earning site. you can earn easily from here to make facebok account,you tube account,online voting system, linking etc
But that earning method is limited. So how you can earn minimum $50 daily from microworkers.( it`s not fake)

Your requirement :
1.Keep Patients
2.Own Blog
3.Good knowledge more forum

Why need that requirement:
1.Because you never earn to first time daily $50-$100. So you need first time keep patience.Then you can win.

2.If you can create your  blog i think it`s very very good opportunity to earning more.So you need create your blog as soon as possible.You can create your blog free from this link. Because microworkers give you more link to post your own blog. if you post that link your blog you will get minimum $3-$11 per get minimum 10-15 link per day from microworkers.So i think you are understand importance of blog.Besides you can earn   to your blog google ad sense also! How can you create your own blog? I will open a blog tutorial page as soon as possible for every interest online earning users.Don`t worry blog open is very easy work. If you want to popular your blog in 2 month  need to keep daily update . I think daily update is success key to be success blogger.

3.Microworkers give you more link to post any popular forum.So if you have to collection more forum link it`s very easy to earning. Othewise you can register any forum freely .Sometimes microworkers recommended that post this link any popular forum there have your 25 comments & post.So.......... it`s very important part for microworkers. 

You can collection following forum link to earning

Monday, 2 May 2011

Microworkers-- sheet for bangladeshi user

If you want bangali sheet you can download here.The  bangali sheet is not my own copyright.I collect it zakaria bai blog. for education purpose only.
Click here for download bangali sheet about step by step microworkers tutorials

MySQL tutorial

MySQL is database server.MySQL support standerd SQL .we use MySQL database to import any application form & other data from our website. we watch & learn how create database ,how to use database & how to design database & more. So please link your eye this blog.........

Php Tutorial

Php is very strong programing language.we use php for dynamic & secure base website design. At present if you want to be a web designer then must be have php knowledge.On the other hand php course is expensive.So stay here to learn professional php script for dynamic website designing.

Dreamweaver Tutorial

Dreamweaver is a popular website design can easily make a attractive website design use dreamweaver. Please stay turn for for basic website design video tutorial. As soon as possible i will published.

Flash tutorial

Flash i s most important & attractive for all  web programmer,designer & developer. we create 2d animation, software,web presentation, animated button, sound button & fully animated  static & dynamic website design. I will show you how to create professional flash website design .you can click  here to see many flash website template for idea.So please turn on this blog.

Odesk Test exam solution

Hi guys,
Thank`s visit this blog.I learn you how to you will passed o Desk test exam accurately.o desk Syllabus have 11 multiple choice question .You need 100% passing mark for unlimited bid.Please see the following  picture.i show you which is correct answer separately.Lets go....................

Step 1. Go to & log in.( if you are not existing user you can free register)

Step 2. after log in  click your profile name( right side your profile page) & go to Account & Profile settings ( see below image)

   ( click  image for large preview)

Then click  My Test from left side your page & Click take more oDesk Readiness Test for Independent Contractors and Staffing Managers

Step 3. Now See the following image to get 100% passing mark o Desk test exam.

after that your passing score will show like that

thank`s spend  your valuable time

if  you like that this tutorial helpful for you please comment

Microworkers-Best & Easy Online earning site

Hi everybody please keep your touch this page.I will tech you step by step real online earning tips.You give me 2 month i will help you to earn $500 per month.

Click here for signup microworkers

How many ways I can earn money online?

You should be surprised to know that blogging isn’t the only way to earn online and there are many many ways you can use the internet for profit such as,
  1. Affiliate Marketing (Selling someone else’s product)
  2. Working as a freelancer (Selling your service)
  3. Selling your own product online
  4. Lead generation (Getting online customers to your offline store)
  5. Paid Reviews (Selling your opinion)
  6. Pay Per Click (Adsense)
  7. Gambling/ Casino sites
  8. Adult Entertainment Network
  9. Online Real Estate (Website, domain name flipping)
  10. Consultancy (Sell your time and experience)
  11. Micro Freelancing (
  12. Facebook Marketing (Apps, advertisements)
  13. And this list goes on and on…