Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Domain Name Registration & Hosting

If you want to make a web site you need good knowledge about 3 topics:

1) Domain Name Registration
2) Hosting &
3)Webpage Design

Domain name registration means  select a Specify name for your website. 
like :, etc..
It`s a very important part of making a website.So select a specify name for your site.You can select any name & extension for your desire. like this :.......................

If your domain name is available you can see that image like below :

else you can see following image :


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  2. How I can make a block

  3. As soon as possible i will create how to open a blog.So touch here.....

  4. Planning to buy a domain name, we need to consider three main things (i.e) choosing a domain name, short and business related, at last where to buy a domain? These are very much important to buy a domain name... domain registration
